70 week prophecy book of daniel

Therefore the 70 weeks of daniel consist of 490 years of 360 days each. The seventy weeks prophecy, has attracted a great deal of attention from many bible scholars. The chapter begins with daniel praying for israel, acknowledging the nations sins against god and asking for gods mercy. How jesus fulfilled the 70 week prophecy the christian life. The prophet daniel said more specific things about the end times than any other old testament prophet. Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks foretells the messiahs. It is the foundation roots of all end time prophecy even the johns apocalypse the book of revelation.

Daniels prayer concerning the 70 years is answered. Here is the correct view of the second coming and the end of the world. The seventy week prophecy of daniel 9 includes the most incredible validation of jesus christ as the messiah, in this study of daniels 70 weeks, you will discover this amazing prophecy in the old testament predicted the very day that jesus presented himself as the meschiach nagid, the messiah the king, to jerusalem. From their research, we also know that exactly 483 years after the decree of artaxerxes the lord jesus rode into jerusalem on a donkey to shouts of blessed is the king. Daniels 70 weeks of years tribulation lamb and lion. Of all the controversial topics found in the bible, none other has been so abused or misunderstood than the prophecy known as daniels 70 weeks. There is no other messianic prophecy that so perfectly foretells the coming of. But the prophecy of 70 weeks is so much more than a messianic prediction. According to most, the bible prophecy of daniels 70 weeks is either a messianic prophecy that foretells the baptism of jesus christ and the year of his crucifixion, or it is a prophecy that tells of the coming of. Daniels prophecy of the 70 weeks mcarthur drive church.

Montgomery, a critical and exegetical commentary on the book of daniel. Thirteen contributors explain the shorter prophetic books of the old. You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild jerusalem until messiah the leader. The 70 weeks prophecy of daniel gives us an important starting date for the 2300 day years prophecy of daniel 8. The 70 weeks prophecy of daniel 9 is the most amazing prophecy in the old testament. How can we be sure that this prophecy did in fact begin in 457 b. Chuck missler examines some of the most provocative passages in the bible the messianic and endtimes prophecies in the book of daniel. Each week is prophetic, and each one equals seven years. The only thing that is not initially distinctly clear and that many dispute is the date evidence. He published this discovery in a book called the coming prince, a commentary on daniels 70th week.

Daniels 70 week prophecy is about a period of 70 sevens or a period of 70 x 7 years, or 490 years. Sir robert anderson and the seventy weeks of daniel. Over 500 years before jesus was born, the prophet daniel was given an amazing prophecy where the messiah was foretold. The significance of sir robert andersons book, the coming prince 1895, should not be underestimated by modern students of bible prophecy, in that anderson not only ably defended daniels authorship of the book of daniel from the scholarship of unbelief of the higher. This is a direct continuation from the fulfilled weeks of daniel 70 weeks. Daniel 9 is probably one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire bible for understanding endtime prophecy. It no doubt would be of interest to some that jews for jesus, also known as messianic jews, printed a book telling how a number of jews came to believe in jesus. By using this understanding, we can establish that the 70 weeks of daniel 9 are synchronous with the previously existing weekly cycle established at the exodus. This was fulfilled in john and the period inbetween were we call the silent years. Daniel knew that this was about to happen because he understood the prophecy in jeremiah 25. This episode explains daniels 70 weeks prophecy and more. Profiles in prophecy kindle edition by missler, chuck.

But in any case, each of these weeks represents 7 years. Today were looking at the 70 week prophecy of daniel regarding the. Many have attempted to identify the beginning and ending dates of this prophecy using a continuous timeline from past benchmark dates. Thus, the 70 weeks of daniel 9 must begin on a sunday year. No prophecy in the entire bible is more critical to understanding the end times than the seventy weeks of daniel. Much of our commentary below is based on josh mcdowells book, the new evidence that demands a verdict, pages 197201. In fact, as one carefully examines jesus specific words, it appears that he held them accountable to know this astonishing prophecy in daniel 9.

The angel informs him that seventy weeks have been decreed for them, and then gives a detailed but cryptic description of those weeks. Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks foretells the messiahs arrival bible. How daniels prophecy foretells the messiahs arrival the prophet daniel lived more than 500 years before the birth of jesus. Daniel prophecy of seventy weeks christian truth center. One of the most profound prophecies in all of scripture must be his 70 weeks prophecy in daniel chapter 9. Other translations use the word sevens instead of weeks, which i think is better. Pdf daniels prophecy of the seventy weeks researchgate. From this starting point, we can determine all the other time markers of the prophecy. Mcclain, daniels prophecy of the seventy weeks grand rapids. That prophecy is found in the book of daniel, chapter 9. It also gives us a definitive time frame that god gave to the jews as a nation to turn to him and accept jesus. The prophecy, hand delivered by the archangel gabriel, a messenger from yhwh, begins with daniel 9. The 7 weeks and 62 weeks of daniels 70 weeks add a year when crossing from bc to ad bro.

Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Daniels 70week prophecy is one of the most important in the bible, as its time line identifies the messiahjesus christ. This is an amazing prophecy that provides us with a number of important truths. Nevertheless, jehovah revealed to daniel information that would make it possible to pinpoint the time when jesus would be anointed, or appointed, as the messiah, or christ.

The mathematical possibilities of just one prophecy of this nature alone coming true would take an impossibly small probability to. Daniel prophecy of seventy weeks is the backbone of all bible end time prophecy. Therefore, he makes a petition to the god of heaven. But the history of israel and jerusalem is determined to be 70 weeks for god to accomplish his plan as seeing in dan 9. What early christians believed about the 70 weeks of daniel 9. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading daniels 70 week s. A proper understanding of the seventy weeks of daniel not only safeguards.

To understand this prophecy, we must first ask the logical question, cut off of what. In so doing, daniels prophecy confirms that god inspired the writing of the old and new testaments, he prophesying events in daniel and throughout the old testament that find their fulfillment in the four gospels. The 70 th week of daniel begins with a covenant confirmed with many for one week and in the midst of that week the abomination of desolation takes place. When bible prophecy is symbolic, the proven and established day for a year principle applies. The events detailed in daniel 9 are fulfilled in the person of jesus of nazareth. Thus this prophecy is to be accomplished in 490 years. The basics of the 70 week prophecy of daniel 9 are relatively simple and clear as i am sure you will now agree. The angel tells daniel that these 70 weeks are cut off chathak, 2852. The prophet daniel lived more than 500 years before the birth of jesus. Seventieth week of daniel 70 weeks christian truth center. The city and the sanctuary were destroyed 38 years later when the roman legions under titus vespasian leveled the city of jerusalem in a. I believe its end coincides with the completion of gods wrath being poured out on the earth and the end of the reign of the man of sin and the dragon. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniel s prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i.

First, lets read this prophecy, commonly known as the 70 weeks of daniel. Although the weeks are symbolic of different time periods, they are sequential without any gaps where the prophecy clock stops. He predicted the exact time that jesus, the messiah, would come. The very brief but famous prophecy of the seventy weeks, recorded in daniel 9. This prophecy from daniel is the only one to use the name messiah another word for christ, and therefore is. Once this seventy weeks is over, according to the prophecy, sin will be made an end of, prophecy and vision will be sealed up, reconciliation will be made for sin, and more. The messiah foretold daniels 70 week prophecy the 70. In effect, gabriel told daniel that the interval between the commandment to rebuild jerusalem until the presentation of the messiah as king would be 173,880 days. The prophecy in daniel 9 about the 70 weeks of years reveals the year when jesus became the messiah. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel. If we look at the six issues that daniels seventy week prophecy wraps up and finalizes we must of necessity come to this conclusion.

Sir robert anderson and the seventy weeks of daniel by tom stewart january 14, 2000. The 70 weeks of daniel equal exactly 490 years to the solar day. This means a prophecy given to daniel back in the third or second early century b. A decree of seventy sevensweeks probably meant 490 years 70. It is known to most of us as the prophecy of 70 weeks, and it is the only prophecy in the bible that gives us a secular date by which we can accurately calculate the first coming of the messiah. The 70 weeks will terminate with the second coming of messiah and the establishment of his millennial kingdom here on earth. As we have noted in previous articles, the jewish and babylonian calendars used a 360day year. Missler goes on to explain why daniel 9 and the prophecy of 70 weeks is so pivotal to our understanding. This command went forth under king artaxerxes longimanus in the year 457 bc ezra 7.

In other words, the 70 weeks of daniel 9 have to synchronize with the continuing weekly cycle of years. The prophecy says that the starting point of the 70 weeks of years will be the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild jerusalem daniel 9. Probably no single prophetic utterance is more crucial in the fields of biblical interpretation, apologetics, and eschatology. Keep in mind that this prophecy was given to daniel by the angel gabriel during the time of israels exile in babylon. The seventy weeks prophecy is one of the most significant and detailed messianic prophecies of the old testament. From jeremiahs 70 years to daniels 70 weeks of years. Then verse 27 discusses the last week, the seventh week. Daniel reads in the books that the desolation of jerusalem must last for seventy years according to the prophetic words. The 2300day prophecy, of which the 70week prophecy is a small part, was to begin at the command that effected the restoration of jerusalem. Daniels 70 weeks prophecy explained christian faith. According to most, the bible prophecy of daniel s 70 weeks is either a messianic prophecy that foretells the baptism of jesus christ and the year of his crucifixion, or it is a prophecy that tells of the coming of antichrist and a seven year tribulation period.